Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Service Update

With the current COVID-19 restrictions, we are pleased to be able to offer to clients the ability to continue to support their Compliance, Competence Management, and Performance related issues both remotely, and when needed, onsite with appropriate precautions.

Keeping your staff ‘sharp and ready’ is vital for many of our clients who operate in regulated industries and we are able to provide direct support to clients through the following:

Compliance – Data Protection Law, EU GDPR, and Health and Safety

We are able to provide access to qualified consultants and trainers via Microsoft Teams, and we use the Microsoft Teams environment and Citrix ShareFile systems for secure document exchange and where training is required in these areas, we make use of Microsoft Teams and our iLearn environment.

Performance – Management Development and Behavioural (Psychometric) Profiling

Management development can be delivered via Microsoft Teams and our iLearn environment, through the use of our ePortfolio system where qualifications are to be achieved, and where additional support is required, via Microsoft Teams meetings, and we use our Microsoft Teams environment and Citrix ShareFile systems for secure document exchange.

Competence – Trainers, Assessors, Internal Quality Assurers, Competence Standards and Competence Management Systems

Trainer, assessor, and internal quality assurer development can be delivered effectively via Microsoft Teams and our iLearn environment, through the use of our ePortfolio system where qualifications are to be achieved, and where additional support is required, via Microsoft Teams meetings, and we use our Microsoft Teams environment and Citrix ShareFile systems for secure document exchange.

Competence standards development and system support, can continue via Microsoft Teams meetings, and we use our Microsoft Teams environment and Citrix ShareFile systems for secure document exchange.

For more information or discuss your specific needs, use our Contact Us form.

Virus and Contagion

Data Privacy

When you Submit the enquiry form you will be sending us your Personal Data. To understand how we handle your data please read our Privacy Statement and Policy.