Workplace Performance Assessment

The Gill Payne Partnership Ltd is a recognised Thomas International test provider. Since the mid-1990s, we have been providing Behavioural Profiling assessments to help organisation effectively recruit, or develop staff in to their ‘best fit’ roles in their organisation, across the globe.

Providing the Personal Profile Analysis and the General Intelligence Assessment to our international clients, with tests and reports in over 70 languages, delivering the one of the most reliable methods of insight into employee behavioural and intelligence characteristics.

You could say, ‘we help organisations identify square pegs for square holes and round pegs for round holes and where the two meet, a set of interpretations to help effectively manage the team’, Gary Payne.

We provide a rapid and direct service to our clients within Formula 1, energy, sales, manufacturing, and more.

Assessments Offered

  • Personal Profile Analysis (PPA)
  • General Intelligence Assessment (GIA)

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