
As part of complying with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) and the Data Protection Act 2018, your organisation is required in the Law to raise awareness across the organisation, review and redesigned existing Privacy Frameworks, policies and procedures relating to Data Protection and the GDPR, implement appropriate systems for recording data processing activities, recording breaches and reporting breaches when required and more.

To help organisations comply with the GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, we have developed several new courses designed to meet the different awareness levels required in organisations, as well as a programme designed for those who will be taking on the responsibilities for the complete review, redesign and implementation of GDPR and Data Protection Compliance.

GDPR Insights

A seminar type session designed to be delivered to all staff across organisations, raising awareness on their obligations for, and contributions to GDPR compliance.

Duration: 2 hours

GDPR Essentials

A course to raise a wider awareness of the obligations under GDPR and Data Protection law, suited to those working within the Privacy Framework but not with responsibility for designing or implementing it.

Duration: 1-day Course

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GDPR Practitioner

A course aimed at those identified individuals who will take responsibility for the readying of the organisation for GDPR compliance and, delivering and maintaining compliance solution. This includes Data Protection Officers, Data Privacy and Security Team members, etc.

Duration: 4-day Programme

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