Trainer and Teacher Qualifications

These QCF Qualifications are designed for learning and development practitioners who are involved in developing and assessing the skills, knowledge and competence of learners primarily in the workplace or in work-related programmes of learning.

For Trainers

The workplace based and assessed Level 3 and Level 4 qualifications in the table below are mainly targeted at trainers and, learning and development professionals operating in the workplace rather than schools, colleges, universities, etc. Achieving one of these qualification is done mainly in a real work environment and are Candidate led.

Qualification Sizes

There are three (3) sizes of qualifications in the QCF and each ‘credit’ equates to approximately 10 hours of learning:

  • Award: 1 to 12 credits – 10 to 120 hours of learning
  • Certificate: 13 to 36 credits – 130 to 360 hours of learning
  • Diploma: 37 credits or more – 370 or more hours of learning

For Trainers and Teachers

The PTLLS, CTLLS and DTLLS qualifications have now been replaced by the Level 3 Award, Level 4 Certificate and Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training. If the Trainer is new to training, they would find enormous benefit from going through the Level 3 Award in Education and Training qualification as this will provide a significant grounding the basics of learning and development design, and delivery.

Click the qualification’s title for further information.

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